SafetyCube European Conference on Better Decision Making for Road Safety, Vienna – March 2018
SafetyCube-FinConf-pres-Guillaume-Mar2018The SafetyCube European Conference on Better Decision Making for Road Safety was held successfully with more than 150 participants on 22-23 March 2018, at Palais Auersperg in the city centre of Vienna, Austria. The SafetyCube project started on March 1st, 2015 and ran for a period of three years. Its results were presented in the conference, with special focus on the SafetyCube Decision Support System (DSS), which is the primary objective of the project. The DSS is expected to enable policy-makers and stakeholders to select and implement the most appropriate strategies, measures and cost-effective approaches to reduce casualties of all road user types and all severities in Europe and worldwide.
The conference brought together experts, stakeholders and decision makers from across Europe to discuss the latest developments in road safety: European Commission, FERSI, ETSC, IRTAD, FIA, individual research institutes, consultants as well as national, regional and local road safety experts. There was simultaneous interpretation in English and German.
An overview of the sessions of the conference alongside with the related presentations is presented below:
Vision for Decision Support Systems and Tools: What are the stakeholder needs when faced with safety issues?
Better Decision Making for Road Safety European Conference – Ingrid Skogsmo, DG RTD European Commission
The SafetyCube European research project – Pete Thomas, Loughborough University
The SafetyCube Methodology – Heike Martensen, VIAS
Linking road safety risk factors and measures – Eleonora Papadimitriou, NTUA
Consequences of Crashes: How to document societal costs of crashes in an accessible way for stakeholders?
International road safety overview – Dinesh Mohan, IIT Dehli
Serious injuries – Wendy Weijermars, SWOV
Socio-economic costs of crashes in Europe – Wim Wijnen, SWOV/W2Economics
Implementation of a Decision Support System : Testimonials & user feedback by international respondents
The SafetyCube European Road Safety Decision Support System – George Yannis, NTUA
Fred Wegman, IRTAD/ SWOV/ TU Delft
David Davies, PACTS
A Pedestrian Protection Program and the Need for Evidence Based Support – João Queiroz, Estrada Mais Segura / ISCTE-IUL
James Bradford, EuroRap
The path to improving road safety and the SafetyCube DSS – Horst Schulze, FERSI
Challenges for road safety decision making: Important lessons learned from the development of the Road Safety DSS
Lessons from applying the systems approach – Ashleigh Filtness, Loughborough University
Challenges for transferability – Rune Elvik, TØI
Meeting the needs of different stakeholders – Klaus Machata, KFV
Integrating new measures and new technologies – Anne Guillaume, LAB
The Future of the European Road Safety Decision Support System: Panel discussion with high-ranking representatives of international institutions
International Discussion Panel – Chair: Prof. Pete Thomas, Loughborough University
Maria-Theresa Sanz-Villegas, European Commission
Horst Schulze, FERSI
Veronique Feypell, IRTAD
Antonio Avenoso, ETSC
Ferry Smith, EuroRAP
Eva Eichinger-Vill, Austrian Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology