Funding Reference:
The SafetyCube project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 633485.
Pete Thomas
Professor of Road and Vehicle Safety
Safe and Smart Mobility Research Cluster
Loughborough University
Loughborough. LE11 3TU. UK
Tel: +44 1509 226931
Professor of Road and Vehicle Safety
Safe and Smart Mobility Research Cluster
Loughborough University
Loughborough. LE11 3TU. UK
Tel: +44 1509 226931
All the material included in the SafetyCube website reflect the authors' view and the SafetyCube Consortium cannot be held liable for third party use of data and information contained in the SafetyCube website.
All project results reflect only the author's view and the Innovation and Networks Executive Agency (INEA) is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information they contain.
All data and information contained in the SafetyCube website can be downloaded and used at the responsibility of the user, as far as proper reference to these data and information is made.
SafetyCube Presentation at CARE Experts Meeting – October 2015
/0 Comments/in General /by Alexandra LaiouA general presentation of the SafetyCube Project was given by Prof. George Yannis at the CARE Experts meeting of the European Commission, which was held on 8th October 2015 in Brussels. Special emphasis was given to the objectives and the work programme of SafetyCube project regarding serious injuries and their costs.
The presentation is currently available:
SafetyCube Al servizio della sicurezza – October 2015
/0 Comments/in General /by Alexandra LaiouAn article on SafetyCube project by Concetta Durso was published in the Italian specialised magazine “Le Strade”.
The general framework of the SafetyCube project and its objectives were presented. Focus was given to the SafetyCube Stakeholder Workshop which took place in Brussels in June 2015. The objectives and the activities during the Workshop were presented and the expected outcomes and future developments were discussed.
The article is currently available:
SafetyCube progress of the methodology development – September 2015
/0 Comments/in General /by Alexandra LaiouThe development and validation of the methodological framework is carried out within Work Package 3 , which will be implemented by the other Work Packages (WP4 – behaviour, WP5 – infrastructure, WP6 – vehicle) .
As important first step and basis for the Decision Support System, it was agreed that Work Packages 4-6 should systematically collect and record studies evaluating risk factors and countermeasures. To record all studies in one system, they have all to be coded according to the same system. This turned out to be a big challenge, and the first attempts before the summer vacation had shown clear problems to deal with so many different types of studies and nevertheless achieve a registration that can be used as the basis for summaries and analyses.
During the Technical Meeting, on September 14, the new template and second coding exercise were thoroughly evaluated. While we were quite happy with the progress made, we also realized that next to some improvements on the template, we will have to supply very thorough training and instruction. The guidelines for the analysis of risk factors and evaluation of counter measures, which we have already started to produce since the beginning of the project, were restructured to be more focused on the task at hand, to enable SafetyCube partners to “dissect” studies they read: to understand the underlying design, code the results in the appropriate form, and judge the presence of possible biases.
By end of October, the guidelines and coding template will be finalized and distributed to the wider partnership. On the basis of studies supplied by each of the leaders of WP 4-7, a large scale training session at the November meeting in Gothenburg will be organised.
SafetyCube progress of dissemination and consultation activities – September 2015
/0 Comments/in General /by Alexandra LaiouAll SafetyCube dissemination and stakeholder consultations activities are coordinated by SAFER within Work Package 2. An intensive start up period was experienced with planning and implementing the first stakeholder workshop in the second month of the project (Brussels, June 2015). All activities and results were summarized into the first deliverable of SafetyCube – Definition of user needs and “hot topics”. In parallel, project material like project logo, presentation and deliverable templates were developed. The website was launched in August 2015 and will be updated and improved continuously during the project.
In the near future a deliverable describing the project dissemination plan will be finalised. A second workshop is also planned to take place in connection to the IRTAD meeting in Ljubljana, Slovenia in October 14th, 2015. This workshop will further set the priorities and “hot topics” for the development of the SafetyCube European Road Safety Decision Support System.
Safetycube Stakeholder Workshop, Brussels – June 2015
Safetycube Website Launched – August 2015
Safetycube Stakeholder Workshop, Ljubljana – October 2015
SafetyCube definition of user needs and hot topics – August 2015
/0 Comments/in General /by Alexandra Laiou“SafetyCube Deliverable 2.1 Definition of user needs and hot topics” is now available as a result of the Work Package 2 activities.
The purpose of this report is to define user needs for the planned Decision Support System (DSS) and “hot topics” to be used as demonstrators in the project. A kick-off workshop was planned for the second month of the SafetyCube project to quickly engage stakeholders and identify key research topics addressing road safety.
The first goal of the workshop was to identify the requirements for a Decision Support System based on the needs of the intended end users. The second goal was to identify current and/or high priority issues that should be addressed in a DSS. These “hot topics” could be specific risk factors, safety effects, and cost-benefit analyses to be examined within the project. This consultation will ensure that the SafetyCube project is correctly oriented to address relevant road safety issues as well as establish examples for testing the DSS once completed.
This deliverable is an input to the technical work packages (WP3-WP8) of the project and is not a definitive analysis of the workshop results. The information gathered from the stakeholders must be reviewed separately in each work package to orient their specific activities.
The Deliverable is available below:
SafetyCube Website Launched – August 2015
/0 Comments/in General /by safetycubeThe website of the SafeyCube Horizons 2020 research project was launched in August 2015. The new website contains all the key information about the project including:
– information on project partners (organisations and key scientists)
– the work programme (objective, methodology, work packages)
– useful links (International Organisations, Research projects, International Interest Groups, Knowledge Systems)
– publications (project deliverables, scientific journal papers, conference papers, conference presentations)
The website will be continuously updated throughout the project lifetime with all the latest news.
SafetyCube Stakeholder Workshop, Brussels – June 2015
/0 Comments/in General /by safetycubeThe Stakeholder Workshop organised in the framework of the SafetyCube project took place with great success in Brussels on 17 June 2015 aiming at providing stakeholders’ input to be taken into account within the activities of the SafetyCube project.
More than 30 key experts attended the Workshop including representatives of competent Ministries, national and international road operators, NGOs and other road safety stakeholders, which contributed with ideas and their needs for the European Road Safety Decision Support System (DSS) for safety policy to be developed within the SafetyCube project, containing reliable and easily accessible information to identify the most cost-effective measures that address road safety problems. Special focus was given to key risk factors, safety effects and cost-benefit analyses to be examined within the DSS. Key presentations are now available:
SafetyCube project Kick-off Meeting, Loughborough – May 2015
/0 Comments/in General /by safetycubeThe Kick-off meeting of the SafetyCube research project took place with great success in Loughborough (UK), on 19-20 May 2015 aiming at initiating the project activities according to the relevant work programme. During the SafetyCube kick off meeting, partners had the chance to lay the ground for a successful and productive collaboration in order to meet the project objectives. Decisions on key issues were made and the first steps of the work were scheduled.
SafetyCube Decision Support System – May 2015
/0 Comments/in General /by Alexandra LaiouThe SafetyCube European Road Safety Decision Support System (DSS) is one of the key objectives of the SafetyCube project to better support evidence-based policy making. The SafetyCube results will be assembled in the form of a Decision Support System that will present for each suggested road safety measure: details of the risk factor tackled, the measure itself, the best estimate of casualty reduction effectiveness, the cost-benefit evaluation and the analytic background. While the development and evaluation of the measures will be developed into a format and structure that will enable industry, policy-makers and other stakeholders to access the information in an efficient manner within the DSS.
More information on DSS is available below:
Five new Horizons 2020 road safety research projects started in May 2015
/0 Comments/in General /by safetycubeOn May 1st, 2015, five new Horizons 2020 road safety research projects started their activities, aiming to produce high level research results with great potential to provide solutions for less road casualties on the European roads. A coordination of the activities is foreseen under the guidance of the Innovation Agency (INEA).
The five new Horizons 2020 road safety research projects are:
– SafetyCube – Safety Causation, Benefits and Efficiency
– PROSPECT – PROactive Safety for PEdestrians and CyclisTs
– InDeV – In-Depth understanding of accident causation for Vulnerable road users
– XCYCLE – Advanced measures to reduce cyclists’ fatalities and increase comfort in the interaction with motorised vehicles
– SENIORS – Safety-ENhancing Innovations for Older Road userS