Funding Reference:
The SafetyCube project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 633485.
Pete Thomas
Professor of Road and Vehicle Safety
Safe and Smart Mobility Research Cluster
Loughborough University
Loughborough. LE11 3TU. UK
Tel: +44 1509 226931
Professor of Road and Vehicle Safety
Safe and Smart Mobility Research Cluster
Loughborough University
Loughborough. LE11 3TU. UK
Tel: +44 1509 226931
All the material included in the SafetyCube website reflect the authors' view and the SafetyCube Consortium cannot be held liable for third party use of data and information contained in the SafetyCube website.
All project results reflect only the author's view and the Innovation and Networks Executive Agency (INEA) is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information they contain.
All data and information contained in the SafetyCube website can be downloaded and used at the responsibility of the user, as far as proper reference to these data and information is made.
SafetyCube Presentation at 8th International Congress on Transport Research (ICTR) – September 2017
/0 Comments/in General /by Alexandra LaiouA presentation of the European Decision Support System (DSS) being developed within the SafetyCube Project was given by Prof. George Yannis from NTUA at the HITE / HIT – 8th International Congress on Transport Research (ICTR), which was held on 27-29 September 2017 in Thessaloniki, Greece. The background, methodology and design principles of the European DSS were described, as well as the web tool was presented.
The presentation and the related paper are currently available:
SafetyCube Presentation at TRB Highway Safety Performance and AASHTO Joint Midyear Meeting – June 2017
/0 Comments/in General /by Alexandra LaiouA presentation of the European Decision Support System (DSS) being developed within the SafetyCube Project was given by Prof. Pete Thomas from Loughborough University at the Highway Safety Performance (ANB25) and AASHTO – Joint Midyear Meeting, which was held on 20-22 June 2017 in Irvine, California. The SafetyCube concept and methodology of the European DSS were described.
The presentation is currently available:
SafetyCube Plenary Meeting, Oslo – June 2017
/0 Comments/in General /by Alexandra LaiouOn June 12-14, 2017, SafetyCube organised successfully a Plenary Meeting in Oslo, in which more than 35 participants were gathered in order to discuss the progress and next steps of the SafetyCube project. This meeting marked the completion of the measures analysis. Key topics on the SafetyCube Decision Support System (DSS) were also discussed and resolved.
Identification of infrastructure-related risk factors, Deliverable 5.1 of the H2020 project SafetyCube
/0 Comments/in General /by Maura HoutenbosOne of the main objectives of SafetyCube is to contribute towards the creation of an inventory of estimates of risk factors and effects of measures for road infrastructure.
SafetyCube Deliverable 5.1 advances the state of the art by analysing and synthesising the current knowledge on infrastructure-related risk factors that allows them to be ranked and comparatively assessed. ‘Hot topics’, i.e. topics attracting particular attention from road stakeholders as critical areas for action and / or further research, have been given particular emphasis and priority in the SafetyCube analysis.
The standard SafetyCube methodology was applied, starting with the creation of a taxonomy of 59 specific risk factors within 16 general risk categories. For each specific risk factor, a systematic and rigorous search of the literature was undertaken. This identified nearly 300 relevant recent high quality studies, which captured quantitative findings about crash risk, frequency, and severity influenced by each risk factor. Where sufficient studies could be identified, a synopsis was written summarising the impact of the risk factor on road safety. Each synopsis starts with a colour code indicating the level of risk imposed based on the strength of evidence available. The colour code is followed by a summary of the findings for the risk factor and a more extensive scientific overview describing the analyses that were carried out. In total, 38 synopses were drafted for infrastructure risk factors including 8 original meta-analyses.
The infrastructure risk factors were eventually ranked on the basis of their colour codes.
The results (studies and synopses) were also integrated in the Decision Support System (in pilot operation) and the experience from these analyses serves as a basis for the related analysis of the effectiveness of infrastructure measures, which is in progress.
The effects of Road User Behaviour on Road Safety – New results available in SafetyCube Deliverable 4.1
/0 Comments/in General /by Maura HoutenbosSafetyCube’s Deliverable 4.1 ‒ Identification of Road User Related Risk Factors ‒ has been approved by the European Commission and is available in the publications section. It documents the process that created a comprehensive taxonomy of risk factors taking stakeholders’ priorities into account. The SafetyCube researchers identified and coded studies that report on various behaviour-related risk factors and summarized these effects. The main outcomes are synopses of 25 human-related risk factors (such as speeding, driving under the influence, distraction, etc.), are based on more than 180 studies and are included in the deliverable. They will also be available soon through the web based SafetyCube Decision Support System.
The positive feedback from the project officer at the midterm review meeting in December 2016 encourages the project team to keep up the good work in the next phase of the activity. Reports are being analysed to document the effect of countermeasures in several areas: law and enforcement, education and training, licencing and testing, fitness to driver assessment and screening as well as awareness raising and campaigning.
SafetyCube Presentations at NTUA workshop – May 2017
/0 Comments/in General /by Alexandra LaiouNTUA within the framework of the Fourth UN Global Road Safety Week organised with great success a Workshop titled “The Future of Road Safety Research” on 15 May 2017 at the NTUA Campus in Athens. The objective of this Workshop was to highlight through an intensive flow of presentations the main findings and challenges of key road safety research projects carried out within the NTUA Laboratory of Traffic Engineering and to open up the discussion in a round table on the future of road safety research in Greece, in Europe and worldwide. Special emphasis was given to managing speed for improving road safety in line with the UN Global Road Safety Week objectives.
Eleonora Papadimitriou presented the European Decision Support System (DSS) being developed within the SafetyCube project and Apostolos Ziakopoulos presented the results from the research on road safety risk factors and measures.
The presentations are currently available:
The application of systems approach for road safety policy making, Deliverable 8.1 of the H2020 project SafetyCube
/0 Comments/in General /by Maura HoutenbosAn important product of the SafetyCube project is a tool to access information on road safety risks as well as potential measures for reducing injuries. The Decision Support System (DSS) in SafetyCube is beginning to take form and the early part of the development process is now documented in a format that allows stakeholders to understand how information can be accessed when the DSS becomes accessible.
Information in SafetyCube Deliverable 8.1 describes the co-ordination of the analysis of risks and measures using a systems framework within the SafetyCube project. A road collision is rarely the result of a single factor and several types of interventions are usually available – hence the quest is for a system approach to road safety facilitated by the DSS. SafetyCube is likely to provide a game-change in this respect, by developing a tool to support European policy making at all user levels. Contents of the Deliverable include (i) defining the systems approach to be used within SafetyCube, (ii) developing a taxonomy of risks and measures, (iii) identifying a common set of accident scenarios and (iv) initiating work on the Decision Support System (DSS) development.
The DSS is following the planned development schedule and public training sessions are to begin after the summer of 2017. A midterm presentation of the DSS prototype in September 2016 is also available for review.
SafetyCube Presentation at 24th IRTAD Meeting – April 2017
/0 Comments/in General /by Alexandra LaiouSafetyCube project results were presented at the 24th IRTAD Meeting, organised by the International Transport Forum (ITF), which took place on 18-20 April 2017 in Paris. Prof. George Yannis from NTUA presented the results from the research on accident risks and measures related to the road infrastructure. The progress of the development of the SafetyCube European Road Safety Decision Support System (DSS) was also presented.
The presentation is currently available:
SafetyCube progress of activities concerning serious road injuries – April 2017
/0 Comments/in General, Uncategorized /by Maura HoutenbosThe EU project SafetyCube is developing a Decision Support System (DSS) that is to provide insight in the causes of road traffic crashes and support in the identification of the most cost-effective measures for the most important road safety problems.
One aspect of SafetyCube is dedicated to serious road injuries, their health impacts and their costs. A recently published report (Deliverable 7.1) shows that current practices for the estimation of the number of MAIS3+ casualties differ between countries and that the estimated number of MAIS3+ casualties is highly influenced by the method applied. This report also provides practical guidelines for the estimation of the number of serious road injuries, which are summarized in a 4-page leaflet (link is external).
The guidelines were presented to CARE experts, at the IRTAD meeting, at the TRB meeting and at the 12th World Conference of injury prevention and safety promotion. An additional report (Deliverable 7.2) shows that (serious) road traffic injuries have substantial health impacts, both at the individual level as for society as a whole.
The next report – to be published soon – discusses costs related to serious road injuries. Moreover, reported effects of various post-impact care measures will be examined. Finally, the identification of risk factors related to serious road injuries and their health impacts will also be discussed.
SafetyCube New tools for Road Safety – April 2017
/0 Comments/in General /by Concetta DursoAn article on SafetyCube project by Concetta Durso, Project Manager of ERF, was published in the Italian specialised magazine “Le Strade”.
The progress of the SafetyCube project regarding the identification of infrastructure risk factors is presented. Special focus is given to the SafetyCube Deliverable 5.1 “Identification of infrastructure related risk factors”, which has been published last November.
The article is currently available:
SafetyCube project highlighted at the European Commission Road Safety Press Release
/0 Comments/in General /by Alexandra LaiouThe SafetyCube project was highlighted at the road safety press release of the European Commission in March 2017. Emphasis was given on the aim of the project to support the selection and implementation of strategies and measures to reduce casualties in Europe and worldwide, as well as on its contribution to the registration and monitoring of serious road injuries.
The road safety press release is currently available:
SafetyCube project featured at the European Commission Road Safety Newsletter
/0 Comments/in General /by Alexandra LaiouThe SafetyCube project was featured at the last Road Safety Newsletter of the European Commission published in March 2017. The four-step approach of the project is described, which involves: a) identification of risk factors, b) identification and estimation of the effects of road safety measures, c) estimation of the costs of implementing the road safety measures, d) determination of how to prioritise the various road safety measures.
The newsletter is currently available:
SafetyCube Plenary Meeting, Paris – March 2017
/0 Comments/in General /by Alexandra LaiouOn March 8-10, 2017, SafetyCube organised successfully a Plenary Meeting in Paris, in which more than 35 participants gathered to discuss the progress and next steps of the SafetyCube project. This meeting tracked the progress of the measures analysis, marking the end for the relevant literature research and highlighted progress and issues for the coding of the measures studies. Key topics on the SafetyCube Decision Support System (DSS) were also discussed and resolved.
SafetyCube Meeting, London – January 2017
/0 Comments/in General /by Alexandra LaiouOn January 23-24, 2017, SafetyCube organised a Meeting in London, regarding the progress and next steps of the development of the European Decision Support System (DSS). Issues concerning the final taxonomy, the methodology of linking risks and measures, the structure of accident synopses as well as the DSS update and related technical issues were among those discussed in the Meeting.
SafetyCube Presentations at TRB Annual Meeting – January 2017
/0 Comments/in General /by Alexandra LaiouSafetyCube project results were presented at the Transportation Research Board (TRB) 96th Annual Meeting, which took place on 8-12 January 2017 in Washington, D.C. Prof. Pete Thomas from Loughborough University presented the progress of the development of the Decision Support System (DSS) and Eleonora Papadimitriou from NTUA presented the results from the research on infrastructure topics within the SafetyCube project, with emphasis on the roadside and median deficiencies. In addition, Wim Wijnen from SWOV presented the results of the joint SafetyCube / InDev crash cost group, while Robert Bauer ‘s presentation from KfV concerned the collection of data on MAIS3+ serious road injuries in the European countries. The two last presentations took place in the IRTAD Session “Analysis of International Road Safety Data” of the conference.
The presentations are currently available:
SafetyCube Plenary Meeting, Hague – November 2016
/0 Comments/in General /by Alexandra LaiouOn November 14-16, 2016, SafetyCube organised successfully a Plenary Meeting in Hague, in which more than 35 participants gathered to discuss the progress and next steps of the SafetyCube project. This meeting marked the completion of the risk factors analysis and the beginning of the measures analysis. A first prototype of the SafetyCube Decision Support System (DSS) was also demonstrated.
SafetyCube Presentation at 5th International Cycle Safety Conference – November 2016
/0 Comments/in General /by Alexandra LaiouA presentation of the European Decision Support System (DSS) being developed within the SafetyCube Project was given by Prof. Pete Thomas from Loughborough University at the 5th International Cycle Safety Conference, which was held on 3 November 2016 in Bologna. The SafetyCube concept and methodology of the European DSS were described.
The presentation is currently available:
SafetyCube Presentation at ERF European Road Infrastructure Congress – October 2016
/0 Comments/in General /by Alexandra LaiouThe 1st European Road Infrastructure Congress co-organised by the European Union Road Federation (ERF) and the Road Safety Markings Association (RSMA) was held in Leeds, on 18-20 October 2016. Prof. George Yannis from NTUA presented the progress of the development of the SafetyCube European Road Safety Decision Support System (DSS), with special focus on road infrastructure needs.
The presentation and the related paper are currently available:
SafetyCube Presentations at 23rd IRTAD Meeting – October 2016
/0 Comments/in General /by Alexandra LaiouSafetyCube project results were presented at the 23rd IRTAD Meeting, organised by the International Transport Forum (ITF), which took place on 12-14 October 2016 in Rome. Prof. George Yannis from NTUA presented the progress of the development of the SafetyCube European Road Safety Decision Support System (DSS). Klaus Machata from KfV presented the results from the research on road accidents serious injuries reporting in Europe with emphasis on the survey on MAIS3+ assessment, carried out within the SafetyCube project. In addition, Susanne Schönebeck from Federal Highway Research Institute (BASt) presented the preliminary results of the joint survey of SafetyCube and InDev projects on calculation of accident costs in Europe.
The presentations are currently available:
SafetyCube Road Safety Workshop, Brussels – September 2016
/0 Comments/in General /by Alexandra LaiouSafetyCube project organised a Road Safety Workshop at BRSI in Brussels on September 27th, 2016, with more than 40 participants, regarding the first viewing of the SafetyCube Decision Support System (DSS). The purpose of the workshop was to illustrate how existing road safety knowledge can be collected, structured and distilled into the SafetyCube DSS that can be queried in terms of safety risk factors and potential countermeasures, including crash scenarios. The key road safety stakeholders had the opportunity to watch the methodology followed and preview the SafetyCube DSS prototype, allowing vivid discussion for its further improvement.
The presentations are currently available: